Come and see your Alebrije (Alle-bree-hey) Oracle as part of our Spring Arts Trail 2022
Come and see your Alebrije (Alle-bree-hey) Oracle as part of our Spring Arts Trail 2022
Little thinkers can submit their ideas and designs and build their own alebrije oracles with us. Print the template, design your alebrije oracle and mail your submissions back to us.
Every sketch submitted will be shown in our exhibition space and from the submissions, around 20 alebrijes will be chosen by us and created by you and your family under our guidance at our studio in the late winter months.
The finished Alebrijes will be installed outdoors for our Spring Arts Trail 2022.
Submission deadline is 10th of December 2021.
Click on the play button to
hear the pronounciation
Who is Pedro Linares?
Pedro Linares Lopez
(1906-1992) was a Mexican
artisan born in Mexico City.
Why Alebrije oracle?
We would like you to create your own Alebrijie oracle that has the ability to see into the future of our planet.
Our planet and the natural disasters of 2021
This year has been a really difficult for us all due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. But did you know, there were also natural disasters that shook the world.
Some examples were the uncontrollable bush fire in Australia, the flash flood in Indonesia, a volcanic eruption in the Philippines and earthquakes in various parts of the world...
What is an Oracle?
The word oracle is Latin for "to speak" refers to a priest or priestess who shares prediction, considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions or wise but mysterious advice.
The HopBarn Alebrije
Meet _____, our Alebrije oracle designed by Shiori, is ______has wings of a pegasus, body of a leopard, crontrols the wind through her wings

The size of your Alebrije oracle has to be within 20cm - 1m in height and width.
Characteristics you must include
wildly-coloured patterns with repetitive dots and geometric shapes, giving your creature a look of depth and texture.
includes elements from different animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates).
includes 3 out of 4 elements (earth, water, fire and wind).
include natural materials collected from our wildlife during the build (eg.twigs, leaves, flowers, earth).

Hope for our future
In 1936, Linares dreamt of a strange forest where he saw bizarre creatures, e.g. donkey with butterfly wing, a rooster with bull horns, a lion with an eagle head, all shouting the word "Alebrijes"
When he woke up, he decided to recreate these creatures through paper mâché. Through his Alebrijes, he became a renowned artisan respected and love by well known visual artists such as Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.

Send your submission to:
via post:
The HopBarn
Hockerwood Lane, Southwell,
NG25 0PZ
in person:
Drop your submission in person at our postbox at the fork road.
for any queries, email us.
1. Download the template.
2. Print double sided on a thick paper to allow your child to use watercolour and paint.
3. Make sure the design of the creatures meets the criteria (use the checklist on your left).
4. Help the little ones write about the hope for the future of this planet.
5. Mail or drop your submission in person.
What kind or world would you hope to live in?
Print double sided on a thick paper
3 out of 4 elements
(fire, water, wind, earth)
Combinations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates
Patterns with repetitive dots and
geometric shapes
Download the template and print
Write about your prediction for the future
Write your name and contact details
Post back your submission to us